Wow, how time flies. This past year has gone by so quickly. I have gotten a new Daughter-in-law, and my new granddaughter. I've also been so blessed with soon to be 4 year old granddaughter. We are expecting that she will become a permanent part of our family within a year or so.
First let me share about my new DIL. She is the most amazing, caring and beautiful young lady. The day my youngest son left to go to Bible College, which was sooooo far away, I heard God tell me that I was going to be getting a new DIL. I thought to myself, well it is a long time But as we all know God is good to his word. She is as beautiful inside as she is out. Lizzy has the sweetest heart and a love for the Lord that just is so easy to see. Below is a picture of Lizzy and David's wedding day.

Aren't they the most handsome couple?
Now this month my Son graduates from Bible College, I'm so happy that I am going to be able to see him walk across stage and see my Granddaughter Amelia for the first time. Here is a few pictures of my Amelia, born on April 11, 2015.
The day she was born
The day she came home
April 21st
Daddy and Amelia
April 26th
April 29th
May 3rd
May 6th
I can't wait till next week when I can hold this beautiful little angel, oh and I should tell you that she was born with RED HAIR!!! yes red hair like her Daddy, and the skin tone of her Mommy....they say her eyes are also turning blue.
I've been crocheting for her like crazy, I won't share every thing but here are a few items I've made.
An outfit I made, I've also added another pair of slippers and mitts that aren't in the pic.
Her reversible sweetheart blanket
Two crowns for the princess
One of the set of bibs and sandals I've made for her.
Now about my Sweet Bella, she is so very smart and the cutest little girl. My family is so blessed to have her in our lives. I just have to share a few pics...I melt when she calls me Grandma Penny!!!!
Bella and Granddad
Bella with the giraffes I made, she loves them
I've been so very blessed this year, and I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my life!